His Secret Obsession By James Bauer

The Hardwired Drives

Whether you’re dealing with an emotionally unavailable boyfriend, a bored or distant husband, or even an Ex that won’t give you the time of day, you may be missing an important tool that can draw men to you—especially if you’re looking to skip the games, the frustration, and the heartache, and enjoy the intimacy and devotion of true love.

Human beings are hardwired to try and fulfill certain basic needs: hunger, thirst, and sexual desire are a few examples. When these needs are unmet, men and women pursue them with single minded focus; people and situations that help meet these needs invariably become deeply important.

Men are hardwired with a particularly powerful biological drive that subconsciously controls their actions, and if it is unmet, this instinct can make it difficult for them to fall in love or commit to the women in their lives. It’s called the Hero Instinct. The women who know how to successfully trigger this instinct have a powerful tool for generating the love, loyalty, and desire that they’ve been searching for all along.

James Bauer’s “His Secret Obsession: How to awaken a man’s most secret and powerful desire to earn your love, prove his devotion to you, and give you romance that last a lifetime” is a complete program that provides step-by-step training on how to trigger the Hero Instinct, including tips, training, and examples that can be tailored for your exact situation.

What Is The Hero Instinct?

The Hero Instinct describes the deep and biological urge inside every man to feel needed, to feel irreplaceable, as though they’re the only man for the job. According to James Bauer, women might activate the Hero Instinct not by meeting a man’s needs, but by revealing her own. In other words, it’s not about trying to please him—it’s about giving him a way to please you.

It allows him to feel like he’s actively winning you over, which is so critical because it’s almost impossible for a man to feel like he’s in love if he doesn’t feel like he’s earning that love.

His Secret Obsession teaches you the phrases, gestures, and short messages that may trigger an emotional reaction, potentially tapping into The Hero Instinct. These secret signals are simple and easy to use—you won’t need to spend months studying the deep psychology behind them.

The program removes the guesswork by giving you the exact 12 word phrase and actions for most situations, whether you just want to revive the daily chemistry, win back an old love, , or if actually works in real life for women just like you.*

The Secret Signals

With so many different ways of communicating nowadays, His Secret Obsession has developed a series of tools that are customizable for your situation. The secret signals described in the program could be used in person or across different technological mediums like Facebook messaging, email, text, or phone calls. Some examples of the signals you’ll learn with the program include:

  • The Glimpse phrase – give a man a taste of the real you, and leave him yearning for more.
  • The Fascination signal – trigger such deep attraction in a man that you’ll feel like an emotional addiction to him.
  • The Silent Action signal – shifts his Hero Instinct into high gear without even saying a word.
  • The Damsel in Distress signal – discover how to tap into a man’s natural protective instincts.
  • The Private Island signal – this little known quality is an important factor in who a man chooses to marry.
  • The “I Owe You” signal – did you know you can actually use a man’s selective hearing to your advantage? Swap out three simple words you use everyday.
  • The X-Ray question – not knowing where you’re at in a relationship can be torture. You can innocently ask your man this question to put your worries to rest.
  • The Ex-Back signal – this signal is difficult for a man to ignore, resist, or “think his way out of”—and it can help you bring an Ex quickly back to you.

These are just a few examples of the tools available; these and many more are explained in detail, with examples, in the His Secret Obsession program.

The "Secret Currency" of Happy Relationships
This next one is important because it's the #1 Reason Men Leave Women They LOVE.

This is the single most important thing you will ever read about men and commitment. Just knowing this one thing will get you inside his mind like no woman has ever done before.

Once you know this signal, you'll never again be blindsided by his sudden distance or lack of interest. Instead, he'll think you're reading his mind and will thank you for it every day.

You'll also discover The "Secret Currency" of Happy Relationships.

It turns out, there are tiny chances every day to make "emotional deposits" in your relationship to grow and strengthen the bond you have with your man.

This signal is surprisingly powerful. In fact, studies show that making these simple "deposits" cuts the rate of separation in half!.

So make sure to use this one. Because even though it takes less than 10 seconds it kicks his Hero Instinct into overdrive. And he'll feel an emotional connection to you that he's never felt before.
The "Ex-Back" Signal
If you've recently gone through a breakup or separation with your man, this next one is really important. Because in 99% of cases, there's only "one thing" he can hear that matters.

These 12 explosive little words instantly reframe how he pictures you in his life.

I call it the "Ex-Back Signal" and the best part is it's impossible for him to ignore, resist or "think his way out of."

Just drop these 12 simple words into a text, say them to him over the phone, or in person and watch how quickly he comes crawling back to you.

Because of the way this taps into his Hero Instinct, it's your strongest chance to not only get him back, but ensure that he'll never leave again.
